
Permanent Residency


Want to get a Permanent Residency in Canada ?

Find out the best options grounded on your profile to become a Permanent Resident in Canada by SP Immigration Services.
Express Entry is an online fast-track application system introduced by IRCC in January 2015. It’s designed to select skilled workers for express entry to Canada under the following economic immigration programs :

  • FEDERAL SKILLED WORKER- The main objective of this program is to bring individuals who are skilled and professional to Canada. There are different factors to determine if you are eligible for the program including age, education, work experience, and several other factors.

  • FEDERAL SKILLED TRADE WORKER - This program is specifically designed for skilled workers who are qualified in a skilled trade and would contribute to the growing economy of Canada.

  • CANADIAN EXPERIENCE CLASS - The idea of the program aims to encourage those with study or skilled, professional or specialized work experience in Canada to immigrate permanently.

This program is for workers who have the proficiency, education, and work experience to contribute to the economy of a selected province or territory, want to settle in that province, and want to become permanent residents of Canada. Each province has its own “streams” and requirements that target students, business people, and skilled and semi-skilled workers.

Family unification is significant precedent for the Government of Canada, and there are several programs introduced to reunite individuals with their spouses, dependent children, parents and grandparents, and relatives.

  • SPOUSAL & DEPENDENT CHILDREN SPONSORSHIP- A Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident in Canada can sponsor their spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, and dependent children if they meet the conditions set out by the government. 

  • PARENTS AND GRANDPARENTS' SPONSORSHIP-This category was established to unite Canadian Citizens and Permanent Residents with their parents and grandparents. The sponsor must meet the financial requirements as prescribed by the government to undertake sponsorship of his family members.  

  • RELATIVES SPONSORSHIP- An eligible Permanent Citizen or Canadian Citizen can sponsor certain relatives as permanent residents to migrate to Canada. They can sponsor their sibling, nephew, niece, or grandchild under 18 years who is unmarried and whose parents are deceased.

The Rural and Northern Pilot program is a community-driven program to assist communities located in rural and northern Canada to attract immigrants. Communities can recommend you for this program which could end in direct permanent residency.

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